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Uber CEO罵司機:乜都賴社會其他人  結果成公關災難要道歉

香港的老一輩經常年青人說,要努力不要賴社會,Uber CEO Travis Kalanick似乎有同樣想法。有一次他乘搭Uber Black時,遇到司機Fawzi Kamel忍不住向Travis投訴,稱揸Uber令他破產咁濟。結果,Kalanick大罵Kamel「Bullshit」,然後再罵Kamel把所有事情賴在別人上,沒有努力為自己負責。

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Kamel開始時忍不住投訴,稱每哩以往收US$20,現在減至US$2.75,令Kamel相當難做,損失多達US$100,000。Kalanick由一開始的友善態度,忍不住便大罵「bullshit」,然後再說「Some people don’t like to take responsibility for their own shit. They blame everything in their life on somebody else. Good luck!」(有些人就不為自己的事情負責,只埋怨他們的人生,把責任推給別人,祝你好運)。

Kamel後來也回了:「Good luck to you, but I know [you’re not] going to go far」(我也祝你好運,你也時日無多)

由於近日Uber醜聞太多,包括似乎想埋特朗普堆,以及公司內部存在性別歧視的事情,Travis Kalanick最終都要道歉,稱自己要長大,做一個好領導,希望能得到相關指引:

Uber CEO Travis Kalanick sent the following note to all Uber employees Tuesday evening.

By now I’m sure you’ve seen the video where I treated an Uber driver disrespectfully. To say that I am ashamed is an extreme understatement. My job as your leader is to lead…and that starts with behaving in a way that makes us all proud. That is not what I did, and it cannot be explained away.

It’s clear this video is a reflection of me—and the criticism we’ve received is a stark reminder that I must fundamentally change as a leader and grow up. This is the first time I’ve been willing to admit that I need leadership help and I intend to get it.

I want to profoundly apologize to Fawzi, as well as the driver and rider community, and to the Uber team.


來源:The Verge

